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Member Recognitions

Honor a Healthcare Hero

There are many healthcare heroes that have gone above and beyond the call of duty this past year. If you would like to acknowledge a healthcare hero in the San Diego or Imperial Counties, please contact Mike De Castro, Editor for SOHL’s newsletter, at midecastro134@gmail.com, for an opportunity to feature them in the next newsletter or other media capacity.

ACHE Recognition Awards

Congratulations to the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Recognition awardees! The ACHE Recognition is awarded to members who have made significant contributions to healthcare management excellence through their volunteer service to the San Diego Organization of Healthcare Leaders (SOHL) Chapter, ACHE, and the healthcare profession. On behalf of ACHE, SOHL is honored to acknowledge the ACHE Recognition Awardees listed below.

*One star is awarded for every 30 hours of service.

1 STAR Fellow – Service Award:

  • Carol Cannizzo, RN, FACHE
  • Bernard F. Carr, LFACHE
  • Sherwood G. Covill, LFACHE
  • Andrea Gonzalez, FACHE
  • Howard W. Salmon, LFACHE

1 STAR Member – Service Award:

  • Nora M. Bota, MPH
  • Keith D. Brady, DSc, FACHE(R)

2 STAR Fellow – Distinguished Service Award:

  • CDR Eric A. Polonsky, FACHE

2 STAR Member – Distinguished Service Award:

  • Jared A. Vogt

3 STAR Fellow – Exemplary Service Award:

  • Aaron J. Byzak, FACHE

ACHE Regent Awards

Congratulations to the SOHL Board members listed below who received the 2020 ACHE Regent Award! This award is bestowed upon SOHL Board members who have gone above and beyond in terms of their volunteer service and commitment to the organization and healthcare leadership.

  • Peter Chu, MHSA
  • Howard W. Salmon, LFACHE

SOHL ACHE Congress Scholarship Awards

Congratulations to the students listed below who are recipients of the SOHL scholarship to help cover partial costs of this year’s ACHE Congress registration! The scholarship provides SOHL members the ability to connect with colleagues, discover new insights from innovative leaders across the nation, and access resources to empower them to lead in the healthcare field.

  • Thuy Do
  • Essohouna Tchonda

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Excellence

Last year marked SOHL’s 20th year anniversary since the Healthcare Executives and San Diego Women in Healthcare Administration merged, forming SOHL. In 2001, SOHL applied to be an ACHE Pilot Chapter and was awarded ACHE Pilot Chapter status in 2002, leading to official ACHE Chapter status in 2004.

For over two decades, SOHL has been leading with excellence, developing healthcare leaders to last a lifetime, and ensuring all communities have an equal opportunity to advance their careers. Thank you to the SOHL Presidents listed below who have dedicated time and support to advance healthcare leaders for over 20 years.

  • 2001 – Lieta Maffei and Andrew Shogren
  • 2002 – Lieta Maffei
  • 2003 – Jennifer Keersmaker
  • 2004 – Nick Macchione
  • 2005 – Mary Para
  • 2006 – Kristin Garrett
  • 2007 – Trish Daly
  • 2008 – Mary Para
  • 2009 – Stonish Pierce
  • 2010 – Deeann Green
  • 2011 – Ron Nowosad
  • 2012 – Jared Vogt
  • 2013 – Mark Campbell
  • 2014 – Lisa Thakur
  • 2015 – Johan Otter
  • 2016 – Victoria Shumulinsky
  • 2017 – Nia Price
  • 2018 – Darrell Atkin
  • 2019 – Dasha Dahdouh
  • 2020 – Darrell Atkin, Dasha Dahdouh, and Johan Otter
  • 2021 – Nora Bota

Future Healthcare Leaders: Recognizing our Graduates

James P. Revels, CPA, MAS

  • Degree Completed: Masters of Advance Studies – Leadership of Healthcare Organizations
  • University: University of California, San Diego
  • Job Title and Organization: Service Line Financial Manager – University of California, San Diego Medical Center

James Revels is a Service Line Financial Manager at the University of California, San Diego Medical Center. James’ life’s work and passion has always been in the financial sector of the healthcare industry and has over 20 years of experience working in major academic medical centers in various leadership positions. He has always been fascinated with how the dynamics of the industry have changed through regulation and restructuring of the industry. James’ goal is to become a Chief Financial Officer at a leading academic medical center and assist senior management to develop a better understanding of their respective entity’s finances.

San Diego Organization of Healthcare Leaders

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